Saturday, February 26, 2011

First week in IMU

Wow thank goodness it's Friday!Time to catch up on my sleep ;p.Anyway,yeap I have endured one week in IMU and you know what,it was pretty awesome!I forgot how awesome it is to mingle with people.And in IMU,you'll meet people from all over the world!It's so effing awesome that I have friend all over the world now.:D And some always ask me which country am I from,and I'll be like 'Uhm,KL?' HAHA weird.

Anyway,now it's the orientation week till next week and it's been so crazy!You'll think that guys in IMU are smart and disciplined because they look so smart all the time but don't be fooled,they're barbarians in disguise!The seniors especially are crazy,don't mess with them haha but they're still cool.I'm in group 4 and our team name is 4rgasm 4rgy.Yeap,only in IMU you can have names like that.=) And in my group there's people from Brunei,New Zealand and Myanmar,they're so cool!I love my group but sometimes they start speaking Mandarin(the Chinese ones) and all of us will be like seriously blur.LOL

And the other day we had Dress Code where we need to put on this stage show and yours truly was a narrator so I didn't do anything embarrassing.Haha We had to perform X-Men with 'It's My Life' by Bon Jovi.My team did a great job seriously,but I thought my narrating sucks,still they said it was good.Lolz.We practiced for hours and it paid off.Yay eventhough I reached home at 1,it was worth it!

Ultimately,1st week had been great but I really hate travelling by train especially during peak hours coz my classes finishes at 5.And the shoes OMG I can't stand it!But anyway,I've already found this place at this kondo near IMU and I'll move in soon.Kesian my parents but finally I get to live alone!YAY partay here I come!;p

Friday, February 18, 2011

My days are up.*Gulp!*

Yes,it's true.It's hard to digest but my awesomely-free days are gone.I know this day will come but still why is it so hard?If only I could turn back time*in Cher's voice,haha*This life is way too sweet,of course it wouldn't last long.

Two more days that's all I have,Everyone keep telling me that I should be excited and that this will be the time of my life.Ahhh...I doubt that.Not only that I'm 0% excited,I also forgot to revise.Yes.forgot as in an accident.:D So now I'm going to university as a dumb,unenthusiastic black girl.Wonder how things will work out.Hopefully it will coz I'll be spending 2.5 bloody years there.Damn,life sucks.

Anyway,I'm gonna just enjoy the bits of freedom I have.Today I purposely woke up at 12pm just because it would be my last day to sleep in.Goodbye freedom,hello snobby rich kids who don't know what to do with your money.Yeap that's right.So adios and if I don't blog again,high chance is that I committed suicide coz life sucks.