Sunday, September 05, 2010

While the whole world is overcoming recession,I'm undergoing it.

Hey guys.OMG it's been so long since I've posted anything.So much for being committed blogger.Well,I've been out for the past few days since it's the holidays and whatever.Not that it means anything to me since I was and am on holiday since June.Let's not deviate too far.The thing is I always look forward to month end because that's when my parents generously give me cash!Yeah!Since I'm not working and don't intend to,so I need somebody to bring in the cash.Hehe.So last week they gave me RM150 as if that's enough and told me to keep it for the whole month.I told 'Well,one month is out of the question,but maybe 2 weeks or something'.Well,let's see.It's been 8 days and I have .....RM44 left.Honestly,I didn't know what happen but I think someone might have robbed me.I don't remember where it went!That's the problem with me.First I'll have some RM50 notes in my purse and then what do you know.there's not even one.

I'm not a shopaholic.I hate to shop.But I do splurge on books. Every time I see a bookstore,I just got to go and get something!Most recently I bought 'The Short Second Life of Bree Turner'.That fucking book is so freaking thin and it cost me 50 bucks.I just took 2 hours to read it and then I spent another 2 hours thinking,'Is there any way I can return the book and get back my cash?'.No.I can't.I know it's cliche but lost money can never return.Maybe if you strike 4D.I was looking back at all the books I bought and I can't help but think 'Damn I'm not a millionaire,I have to stop buying and use the money to eat or something!'.I do have a Maybankard but my dad keeps it,which is a good thing though.

Since I'm totally commitment-less,it's either sitting at home and using my laptop while my hair looks like Kesha's...or going out with my friends.I love going out with them,I really do,but it burns a hole in my pocket.I've got a minimum 3 more outings this week but my purse is saying 'That ain't gonna happen!' if you know what I mean.I hate facing my parents and asking for money.I hate listening to that stupid long lecture about how money don't grow on trees. Even though I've heard it a thousand times.I don't really remember what they said.So friends,If I'm not there most probably I died or being held captive somewhere or I'm out of cash.Unless some of you are sweet enough to give me some.LOL.Sigh.

Sometimes,I wish my parents are filthy rich.But then with great money comes great responsibility!Well,we don't want that don't we?Haha.So that's all for now.Adios and remember,spend your cash wisely!

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